Q: How to specify mobs' names for attacking?
A: You must open file `conf/targets.au3` in text editor and specify mobs' names. This is enough to specify one or two letters of mobs' name for Gracia Final and upper chronicles. This is example:
global const $kTargetNames = "G,Wo"
The mobs' names must be specified fully for chronicles below Gracia Final. This is example:
global const $kTargetNames = "Gremlin,Wolf"
Note that value of the `$kTargetCount` variable must be the same as count of elements in the `$kTargetNames` list.
Q: How to run L2Bot?
A: This is the short instruction:
1. Download and install AutoIt interpreter:
2. Run your Lineage client in the window mode. You can press Alt+Enter for switching to the window mode.
3. Run the bot's script from the `run` directory.
4. Switch to the Lineage client window.
5. Press Alt+F2 to start bot.
6. You can stop bot by Alt+F1 pressing.
You can find more detailed instructions in the README file:
Q: Why the L2Bot scripts need the administrator's privileges in Windows Vista and Windows 7?
A: This is a Windows security policy. It is forbidden to send messages from one application to another one without administrator's privileges. L2Bot need to do this for keyboard pressing simulation.
Q: Where is exe file to launch bots?
A: Such file is missing. You must launch scripts' files with `au3` extension in the `run` directory. The Autoit interpreter is needed to launch same scripts:
Q: How to decrease timeout for attacking and moving to target?
A: You can set timeout value in the `$kAttackTimeout` variable in the running bot's script file in the `run` directory. This is example:
global const $kAttackTimeout = 20
Similary to `$kAttackTimeout`, you can set timeout for moving to target in the `kMoveTimeout` variable. This is example:
global const $kMoveTimeout = 40
Q: How to configure bot according to my Lineage client's interface?
A: There are steps to perform the interface configuration:
1. Run your Lineage client in the window mode. You can press Alt+Enter for switching to the window mode.
2. Resize the Lineage client window to full screen with mouse.
3. Get into the game with your character.
4. Run `configurator_en.au3` script from the `run` directory.
5. Switch to the Lineage client window.
6. Press Alt+F2 to start configuration script.
7. Select the point in the Lineage window according the information in popup tip. You can select point at the current cursor's position by pressing Alt+F3.
8. The popup tips will be disappeared after you has selected the last point. Configuration is complete.
This is illustration of all configuration points:
You can use the `configurator_fishing_en.au3` script from the `run` directory to configure fishing bot. This script works like the described above `configurator_en.au3` one.
Q: How to enable/disable log file output?
A: You must open the `source/debug.au3` file and remove `;` symbol before `FileWrite` function call to enable log file output. The file will be looked like this:
global $kLogFile = "debug.log"
func LogWrite($data)
FileWrite($kLogFile, $data & chr(10))
You must add `;` symbol before the `FileWrite` function call to disable log file output.
Run the bot's script after this patching. You will find the `debug.log` file with logs in the `run` directory.
Q: How to disable picking the drop for accelerating switching to the next target?
A: You can open bot's script in `run` directory and cleanup content of the OnAllKill() function.
This is typical OnAllKill() function:
func OnAllKill()
This the function after cleaning the content:
func OnAllKill()
You can also reduce count of items to pickup:
func OnAllKill()
Q: How to enable or disable the "rest" function of bot?
A: The kIsRestEnable variable in runnable bot's script defines enabling or disabling "rest" function state. You can change value of the variable to true for enabling "rest" function:
global const $kIsRestEnable = true
The false value will disable "rest" function:
global const $kIsRestEnable = false
Q: How to use custom script mechanism?
A: The custom script mechanism allow you to extend the functionality of existing farm bots.
There are steps to perform the custom script generation:
1. Run `script_generator.au3` file from the `run` directory.
2. Press Alt+F2 to start generator script.
3. Perform the keys pressing and mouse clicks that will be saved.
4. Press Alt+F1 to complete the generator script
The generator script is able to save letters, numbers, F1-F12 buttons
and left button mouse clicks. The buttons Alt, Ctrl, Shift and Win will
not be saved.
The generated custom script has been saved in the `script.au3` file in the `run` directory.
There are steps to launch custom script:
1. Run `script_run.au3` file from the `run` directory.
2. Press Alt+F2 to start custom script.
3. You can interrupt the custom script's work by Alt+F1 pressing
NB: You can launch custom script in the loop. Change the `kIsLoop` variable to `true` in the `script_run.au3` file:
global const $kIsLoop = true
farm bots will launch custom script by timeout. You can change timeout
value with the second variable of the `kTimeouts` array in the running
farm bot script.
Q: How to launch L2Bot in multi-window mode?
A: L2Bot can control several Lineage 2 windows.
These are steps to do it:
1. Download Repeater script:
2. Configure Repeater script according README.txt file.
3. Run L2Bot script from `run` directory.
4. Run Repeater script.
Now all keystrokes that are generated by L2Bot will be send to all Lineage 2 windows.
Q: How to use Repeater script?
A: Repeater
script allow you to send pressed keys for all Lineage 2 windows. You can
manually control several characters in different windows.
This is link to download Repeater script:
This is link to AutoHotkey program for launching the repeater script:
This is manual to configure and run it:
Q: Does it work for on Innova Official L2?
A: Yes, it works. You need an additional InpOut32 library for keyboard driver to avoid the server protection.
This is a manual for setup L2Bot with InpOut32 library:
1. Copy files `input_driver.au3` and `InpOut.au3` from the `tools/InpOut32` directory to the `source` one.
2. Copy file `inpout32.dll` from the `tools/InpOut32/Win32` directory to the `source` one.
3. Launch file `InstallDriver.exe` from the `tools/InpOut32/Win32` directory and perform the driver installation.
4. Open the `source/functions.au3` file in text editor and change the 2nd line from this:
#include "input.au3"
To this one:
#include "input_driver.au3"
Launch L2Bot according the instruction.
Q: How to enable mechanism for searching targets by macros?
A: This is an instruction:
1. Set `kIsMacroSearch` variable to `true` value in the farm bot's script from the `run` directory:
global const $kIsMacroSearch = true
2. Create macros with the `/target` command and place its to the hotbar panel.
3. Write hot keys with `/target` macros to `kTargetNames` array in the `conf/targets.au3` file.
This is example for the three hotkeys 1, 2 and F3:
global const $kTargetNames = "1,2,{F3}"
Now bot will be search targets by pressing 1, 2 and F3 hotkeys.
Q: The AutoIt scripts doesn't run.
A: You can select version of AutoiIt interpreter in the installation wizard dialog. Select 32 bit version for your 32 bit Windows or 64 bit version otherwise.
Q: How to check correctness of the AutoIt interpreter installation?
A: You can check is AutoIt have been installed correctly if L2Bot doesn't work. Run any script (for example calculator.au3) from the AutoIt installation directory (by default C:/Program Files/AutoIt3/Examples). The AutoIt have been installed correctly if you see the calculator window after that.
Q: The keystrokes Alt+F1, Alt+F2 and Alt+F3 are handled by another application.
A: You can assign another keys for controlling the bot. This is instruction to assign keystrokes Alt+F5, Alt+F6 and Alt+F7 instead of Alt+F1, Alt+F2 and Alt+F3:
1. Open the `source/hooks.au3` file in text editor and change 2nd and 3rd lines to these:
HotKeySet("!{F5}", "_Exit")
HotKeySet("!{F6}", "_GrabWindow")
2. Open the `source/configurator.au3` file in text editor and change 13th line to this:
HotKeySet("!{F7}", "_GetCursorPos")
Now bot will start on Alt+F6 keystroke. The Alt+F7 keystroke allow you to select point in the configurator scripts. The Alt+F5 keystroke allow you to interrupt any L2Bot script.
Q: How to use chat bot?
A: This is instruction to configure chat bot:
1. Run `configurator_chat_en.au3` script from the `run` directory.
2. Switch to the Lineage client window.
3. Press Alt+F2 key to start configuration script.
4. Select the point in the Lineage window according the information in popup tip. You can select point at the current cursor's position by pressing Alt+F3.
This is illustration of all configuration points:
5. The popup tips will be disappeared after you has selected the last point.
6. Open `run/chat.au3` file in the text editor. Specify these variables:
$kMessageTextEn - message text
$kIsPrivateChat - send private messages (true) or common chat (false)
$kDelaySecond - delay between messages sending
This is instruction to launch chat bot:
1. Run `chat.au3` script from the `run` directory.
2. Switch to the Lineage client window.
3. Press Alt+F2 to start bot.
4. You can stop bot by Alt+F1 pressing.
Q: How to use healer bot?
A: This is instruction to configure chat bot:
1. Run `configurator_healer_en.au3` script from the `run` directory.
2. Switch to the Lineage client window.
3. Press Alt+F2 key to start configuration script.
4. Select the point in the Lineage window according the information in popup tip. You can select point at the current cursor's position by pressing Alt+F3.
This is illustration of all configuration points:
5. The popup tips will be disappeared after you has selected the last point.
6. Setup hotbar panel according the illustration:
This is instruction to launch healer bot:
1. Run `healer.au3` script from the `run` directory.
2. Switch to the Lineage client window.
3. Press Alt+F2 to start bot.
4. You can stop bot by Alt+F1 pressing.